Monday, April 21, 2008

Weekend Bliss

This weekend was a great one. On Friday I went down to Phoenix to see my little brother and my family at my brother's band banquet ceremony. It was a lot of fun. I got to spend time with my family as well as see friends that I haven't seen in a while. Then we went to go visit my uncle, aunt and cousins. I was very happy to see my cousin Victoria who just turned 13 on Thursday. She's like my mini me. We spent some time there and then went to visit Matt's mom because she just moved out of our place into her friends place. We were both glad to see her; it's not the same at our place without her. We came back up that night and went to bed. The next day I got a call from Victoria Secret telling me that I got the job I wanted =D. Then Matt and I went to Sedona with our friends Matt and Christy where we hiked and shopped around the little stores in town. We then went back to our place and played this game called Dirt and it was tons of fun. On Sunday Matt worked and I basically cleaned the house and did some homework. I then went shopping for work clothes. It was a nice, relaxing weekend. I definitely needed it.