Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Assignment for April 22nd, 2008

My topic, homophobia, was not as defined as I hoped it would be but it was still present. In the very beginning of the movie when Ringo and Yolanda are discussing how to hold up the restaraunt, Yolanda is very friendly to the waitress that brings them more coffee. The waitress seems kind of uncomfortable and leaves. Also in the beginning where Vincent and Jules are talking about how Marsellus killed a man for giving his wife a foot massage, there is a part where they get onto the topic of how insignificant a foot massage is. It later goes on to Vincent questioning Jules if he would let a man give him a foot massage and Jules gets angry and freaks out.

Tarantino's style is confusing at times, yet really effective. It ensures that you pay attention to each small part in order to fully understand the whole movie. It is almost a representation of how life really happens. Everything is connected to something else and nothing really happens the way you expect it or in any particular order. He didn't make the movie happen with just one story, he made sure to incorporate all effects of everyone's actions. It's almost like a butterfly effect with his movies.

I think the most important thing I've taken from this film is that actions aren't set in stone. If something happens, it will trigger another action and so forth and so forth. The people you meet and the experiences you have all are significant to who you are as a person and everyone should embrace that.


Dani said...

you could also comment on the rape seen as a form of homophobia. yes the guys did rape poor Wallace, but to show in a great violence how those two die was clearly a strong point. to actually see one get shot and the other sliced with a sword, while everything else in the movie is cut out can be a sign of the writers homophobia.