Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Assignment: April 16th, 2008

"I laid the foundation
With as much care
As I could manage.
Arranging the stones
Covering the weak spots
Day by week by accident
I kicked a hole in the wall
Didin't hurt the wall, just
Made it colder. I
Tried to make it look
Better on the outside,
Straighten the siding, but
The nails had rusted from
The moisture inside.
I'll hang a picture
Over the hole, the
One of you at the piano
Writing your first solo."

My writing:

The sunflowers are growing again. Do you remember that one time that we were playing and you got stung by the bee? Then you stuck your arm in the pond to calm the burning and momma had to come pull it out of you.

I still have every memory of you in my mind, you know. And though all that's left of you is your letters from far far away, you're still here next to me...forever and ever.


Jacki Belknap said...

Miranda, you definitely captured the tone. Being a poet you are an expert with this, right? Nicely done.