Monday, March 31, 2008

Something Different.

I'm doing something different for this blog. I apologize for no poetry this time. Today I almost got in my first car accident. I've only had my license since this past December because my parents were both too paranoid to teach me to drive when I first got my permit. I feel a little sort of resentment against them because I have often felt very unprepared for driving amongst other people. However, I did end up learning because of my boyfriend and I am very grateful for that. Anyways, today I was driving back from the store when I zoned out for not even a few seconds as I was looking for a speed limit sign. In those 2 seconds the car in front of me had slammed on their brakes and stopped because of a person jay-walking. Luckily I was going a little under the speed limit and I stopped just in time. I was still a few feet away from the car in front of me but I was so scared. I don't think I've ever been so scared in my life. It made me think about how fast things can happen in life and that we should cherish every minute we have. I know that even if I were to hit that car in front of me I would not have died. Sure I would've gotten a little hurt but I'm betting that things would've been okay. However, if something like that can happen so fast, anything can happen that fast. I'm just grateful that I got home safely and that no one got hurt.