Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Death, My Soulmate.

I once took a walk with Death along the beach, right next to a set of single footprints in the fine-grained earth. I dared not glance at him for fear of losing myself in his glorious eyes. We walked hand-in-hand along the shore, listening to the waves and watching the horizon's elegant light show. He glanced over at me and I made sure not to look. As he caressed my face I felt the urge to turn and embrace him. He pulled me close to him and I let myself melt into his arms...knowing that I would never reach the light of heaven nor the flames of hell. I would forever stay lost in his touch...his eyes...his words. He stared into my eyes and I saw his fear...I felt his panic. Slowly he began to let me go and I fought fiercely. I couldn't hold on any longer...he had let me go.
I heard the voices of the doctor and my family members calling out to me...and yet I wept. I wept for my heart...for the pain of knowing that I cannot be with him yet. Until the day he comes for me...I'll dream.


Anonymous said...

wow, this was an interesting read, did you write it yourself? if so...nice work.